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This is the practice of having a doctor come to your home for a medical consultation. This practice is becoming more and more common, as it offers a number of advantages over a consultation in a doctor's office, but remains more expensive in terms of financial outlay.

First of all, home medical consultations are very practical for patients who have difficulty getting around, such as the elderly or people with reduced mobility. It also avoids unnecessary journeys and queues in waiting rooms, which is highly appreciated by those with busy schedules.

Finally, home medical consultation can be particularly useful in certain situations, such as medical emergencies or palliative care. In these cases, being able to see a doctor quickly at home can be essential to ensuring the patient's health and well-being.

Would you like a HOME consultation? Don't hesitate to call our reception at +237653828347 or click HERE.


Following a medical consultation or discharge from hospital requiring continued care at home, we have set up a care service that can be adapted to your needs.

Home care nurses have many missions.  On medical prescription, he/she provides certain nursing and general hygiene care, monitors therapy and the administration of treatments, monitors the state of health, helps to maintain autonomy and can intervene to carry out formalities linked to care.

We can work in collaboration with other professionals, such as physiotherapists, pharmacists and specialists, for the benefit of the patient.

Odoo • Texte et Image