A functional exploration is an examination to assess the functionality of an organ, such as the heart, lungs, ears, .....

of people are overwhelmed by the daily responsibilities and stresses of work, children, family, finances... Few take the time to look after themselves and their own health.

What's more, many people consult walk-in clinics only when a new health problem arises, which can sometimes be too late.

Clinique VITALIAC SANTE's health check-up service is designed to help you take the first step towards prevention and optimizing your health, especially for patients with risk factors or chronic illnesses.

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ECG - Cardiology

It's a simple, painless test that provides the information needed to diagnose a heart condition or disease. The electrocardiogram, also known by its initials "ECG", doesn't take long and requires no specific preparation. It is prescribed by a physician.

Odoo - Echantillon n°1 pour trois colonnes

 Holter ECG - Cardiology

A holter or holter ECG is a small device used to study a patient's heart rhythm over a short or long period (usually 24 hours), in order to detect and analyze cardiac pathologies. Installing a holter is painless, and presents no particular complications.

Odoo - Echantillon n°1 pour trois colonnes

Blood pressure Holter - Cardiology

A blood pressure Holter is a portable (ambulatory) device designed to measure and record blood pressure (ABPM) over the course of a full day and night, in order to identify potential hypertension.


Spirometry - Pneumology

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